Student Loans

A Tanzanian student who has secured or already has an admission at any higher learning institution may seek loans from the Higher Education Students’Loans Board (HESLB) to meet some costs of his/her education.


 As per HESLB, those who qualify for loans are as follows;

  • Needy Tanzanian students pursuing higher education in either public or private universities/institutions within Tanzania.
  • A limited number of needy Tanzanian students pursuing master or doctoral studies in local public or private universities/institutions.
  • Students overseas under Development Partner scholarships.


Accordingly, all students who have/will have admission at the Institute of Finance Management and qualify as per the above clauses are strongly advised to utilize such privilege.

For more details about applications for HESLB loans, please visit the website: Or Email :


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Application Window for March Intake 2024-2025 (Zanzibar Campus) is Open - Click Here to apply