IFM Research Areas

Insurance And Social Protection

Insurance and social security are areas that help the society and a country to move forward by ensuring that there is stable insurance risk and management system as well as reliable social security system and helps in terms of economic development. It is the role of the institute to conduct research in such areas like insurance and risk management, social protection, and actuarial sciences

Ict Systems And Innovations

The government Policy on Research and Development (URT, 2010) states that the Government, in collaboration with other stakeholders shall facilitate the establishment of R&D institutions and centre of excellence in ICT and socioeconomic disciplines; facilitate and encourage the R&D establishments to expand their research areas into ICT and socio-economic fields; and facilitate R&D institutions to increase the use of ICT in research. IFM is one of the major research partners in Tanzania. In recent years, IFM has excelled in ICT...

Business Studies

Business studies are area that helps the society and a country to move forward in terms of developing financial markets and attain sustainable economic development. It is the role of the institute to conduct research in such areas like value chain analysis, customer care and business performance, strategic planning and analysis, product development, collaboration, leadership, communication, and team building

Marketing And Entrepreneurship

Marketing and entrepreneurship is an area that helps the society and a country to move forward in terms of economic development. It is the role of the institute to conduct research in such areas like marketing of products, entrepreneurship, poverty analysis, and research related to management sciences

Industrialization And Economic Development

Tanzania's gradual path to an industrial economy has been adventurous, full of challenges and, mostly, tough challenges. But all this has not been because of lack of policies, for the country has had its full share of the same since independence. Some of these policies were weak and some strong but the main problem, as so often pointed out by academicians, has been inadequate implementation to achieve the desired results. The current National industrial policy direction points to deepening the...







ALMANAC 2023/2024


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